Saturday, June 20, 2009

Thing I have learned recently

Things I have discovered recently:
-Picante sauce and ketchup mixed together and added on french fries is soooo good.
-The Salvation Army is not armed.
-There is no such thing as a secret fart.
-The real world does not allow you to stay up until 4 in the morning playing NCAA Football or Tiger Woods 10.
-Playing tennis does not automatically make me classy.
-I try my best to cover up my lack of fashion/style but mesh shorts and a t-shirt feels too damn good.
-Repeatedly hitting the power button on the TV remote control does not snooze or turn off the alarm clock.
-I am 99.9% sure that given the opportunity to live in fantasy land, Courtney would cheat on me with Twilight’s best vampire, -Edward Cullen. Lame.

And this was just last week. I love my life.

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