Wednesday, June 24, 2009

College World Series

This is the best time of year. The fact that the CWS championship series is going to a third game makes me giddier than a preteen at a Jonas Brothers concert.

College baseball is the purest form of baseball. Its not about getting that next big contract or being MVP. Its simply about winning. Its about being that last team of 64 to win the final game of your season. Tonight is the night Texas will do that.

I can get so excited/pissed off when Texas plays, especially in games of this nature. It is literally like a roller coaster of emotions. I can't explain it. As I am typing this, I am getting that nervous feeling in my stomach, a feeling I rarely feel. The last case of this feeling was back when I started dating Courtney (awwww, whatever I am cool like that). I don't know why a stupid little baseball game can make me feel like this but it does. And I like it.

So heres to you Texas. Play hard and I will love you. Play like ass and I will still love you but I will give you the silent treatment til next June.

Hook 'Em

1 comment:

  1. oh yes...the classic Michael Saenz love / silent treatment thing. I am all too familiar ;)

    miss you. blog more!
