Thursday, June 18, 2009

Reverse Storm Chasin' Part II

On my way home I was literally on the border of this horrific storm, like if I slowed down at all I would be bum rushed by this wet disaster. So I kept my speed and tried to floor it when I could. I was traveling east bound and this storm obviously Google mapped my route home because that’s how close it was following me. I knew when I exited the highway to go north I would just get blaaaasted by this Hurricane Katrina wannabe. Sure enough, I turned left headed north bound to my home and *whooooooosh*. I literally could not see 2 feet in front of me. I had to guess and pray when I changed lanes to pull over. I waited out the first flurry and made it home ok. My fence took a beating though. Oh well, it needs to be replaced anyway (hint hint dad).

The whole experience was exhilarating and awful. I wish it upon no man, woman, or small child. Well, maybe Kobe Bryant.

I had big hopes for this part of the blog but that is all I can remember so I apologize. My life has been super busy recently and my old slacker lifestyle is trying to catch up. That’s what I get for being ‘super crazy busy’ in grad school then ‘super crazy lazy’ in bum life for 5 months.

I will promise you dedicated (2) readers that I will post again soon, possibly within the next 24 hours.

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